Tuesday, 2 April 2013

OOTD: Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered.

(song in the title? Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood)

Had a lovely retail therapy day today and I might have accidentally spent a little bit too much money in Primark when I only actually popped in for some hair grips; oops! It actually felt like spring today because the sun was out and shining and made everything look much lovelier than it really was. I did spot someone in shorts even though it is still pretty nippy outside; I guess you have to admire British optimism really. 

Anyway this is what I wore:

(Biker jacket : eBay / Jumper: Primark / Necklace:  Primark / Skirt: Topshop/ bag: eBay / flats: Primark / tights: Primark)
Quite a grungy look with the jumper and the tartan skirt but I think my choice of the statement necklace and imitation CĂ©line bag create a slightly more sophisticated vibe.
 (Obviously a springerdoodle is the ultimate accessory)
 (Earrings : Primark)
Love Amy xx


  1. Love the patterns and colours here! Great shoes and cute pooch! I came across your blog and am your newest follower. I would love if you’d visit me at : the daily savant : and (if you like) follow with GFC and Blog Lovin'!

    : signe

    1. thankyou dear, the pooch says thanks ;)
      I checked out your blog too, it's really cool and I am now following you on GFC and bloglovin' :)

      love amy xx

  2. What a Great Outfit - I love your bag!!! Would be awesome If you‘d take a look at my Blog - would love to keep in touch with you!!!
    Lots of Love, Kyra


    1. thankyou :)
      lovely blog, I am now following you on GFC and bloglovin' :)

      love amy xx

  3. Hi! I just came across your blog and it's super cute!
    Hope you check out mine and follow back ;)

    P.S. I love this entire outfit and that dog is crazy adorable!

    xo Raven On a Desk

    1. thankyou my dear :)
      now following you too!

      amy xx

  4. Grungy is pretty! And that celine bag is amazing! I want it for myself! :)
    By the way, I blog about beauty and fashion too. Please visit my humble little site when you have time! :)

    1. I think grunge is definitely my favourite style :)
      I will certainly check out your blog L:)

      amy x

  5. ughh your bag it to DIE FOR!! I love it! :)
    Feel free to check out my blog if you have the time :) x

    my blog


Thanks for all your lovely comments, they never fail to make me smile. I always check out every blog so please leave your links! :D xx

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